Monday, March 30, 2009

Project description: Consulate Project

(Written Monday 30th March)

Luxury, design and fashion, experience design and branding are the keywords for the Consulate project. How can we best promote Danish design and fashion to the luxury consumer of China?

The assignment given by the Federation of Danish Textile and Clothing and the Danish Consulate in Shanghai is to design an experience concept for their promotion event in China later this year. The event intends to brand and promote Danish design and fashion in China and to reach the Chinese luxury consumers in a way that will attract attention and create a lasting impression.

This is where we come in. Our assignment is to, based on research on the Chinese elite and Danish companies within the design and fashion industry, develop a concept that allows the target group to experience the Danish products. 'We' are Gorka, Jonas, Erik, Esben, Line and Maja. And we are proud to report that we have just met our first deadline last Sunday (...or Monday morning to be exact!).

With our commissioner we had agreed to incorporate prototyping into our working process towards the final concept, so that the consulate could use our material as soon as possible, but also to ensure that their need was being met. After having spent the first weeks on creating a common platform to work from, we felt capable of understanding and fulfilling the task. We researched and developed and developed and researched and came up with an original concept and a way to best communicate this first draft – all within 3,5 working days. Prototyping is fun, but of course also challenging; in our case the challenges turned our to be concerning our different views on success criteria and quality. On a more appreciative note, we were really efficient within the research phase and managed to be sharp on both language, design and content. If we may say so ourselves, we think we did a great job within the narrow time frames.

Now – after celebrating our success at a mexican restaurant on Thursday - we are just about to take the next step into developing the concept, which we hope will involve setting up a focus group, observing the users, looking into neurolinguistics, doing brand research and much much more. Original Experience Concept v. 2.0 is coming up...

Luxurious love from

The Consulate Group

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